Charging squirrel - Rexburg, ID, 5/1/2010, mid-afternoon - Sony DSC-H50, f/3.5, 10/1000, ISO 100 - sharpness adjusment
Cat lady's cat - Rexburg, ID, 5/1/2010, mid-afternoon - Sony DSC H50, f/2.7, 10/5000, ISO 100 - sharpness adjustment
Cat close-up - Rexburg, ID, 5/1/2010, mid-afternoon - Sony DSC - H50, f/2.7, 10/2500, ISO 100 - color and sharpness adjustment
Spring's coming! - Rexburg, ID, 4/23/2010, mid-afternoon - Sony DSC-H7, f/2.8, 10/600, ISO 100, color adjustment and vignette
Weird flower - Rexburg, ID, 4/23/2010, mid-afternoon - Sony DSC-H7, f/2.7, 10/200, ISO 100 - sharpness and level adjustments
I didn't get a chance to go to the zoo or a farm, so I was limited to the Rexburg fauna which basically consists of squirrels and cats. I think I got some good shots though. I chased that squirrels for about half an hour and when I took this picture I thought he was getting annoyed and was ready to attack me. For my surprise it stayed still for a little bit as if it was posing. I used the zoom a little, but I was pretty close to it. The cat is actually the same cat from my past pictures. I guess she's pretty comfortable with me now, since was able to get a macro of her face. Flowers are relatively easy to photograph because if you use macro mode and get close, you can't really go wrong except for composition. I particularly like these two because the buds are just opening on the first one and the second one is just unusual and I'm not really sure if this is even a flower.
You are a great photographer. I really like the pose you captured with the squirrel. He looks really angry.
The cat shots are also very cool. They look really sharp and clear.
The macro fauna shot is very cool as well. Where did you take it?
Great job on the pictures here. I thought about doing a squirrel too.
In all these pictures I like how the colors seem really vibrant. Did you end up masking out anything?
I like the natural pose of the squirrel because that's how they look when they are waiting to see what you are up to. Sometimes, it's hard to get them to stay still when you approach them. Great job.
killer sharpness and detail! I like the squirrel, it looks like you just barely had time to get this shot. also the wierd flower, never seen anything like that around here before! anyway, all your shots are very creative. good work.
You have a really good eye, way to stick with it chasing squirrels. it's hard to get such a good pose from animals.
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