Color Study

Feeling Blue...

Old Chair - Rexburg, ID 04/30/2010 - Sony DSC-H50 f/2.6, 10/4000, ISO 100 - color and sharpness adjustment

Little Blue Garden - Rexburg, ID 04/30/2010 - Sony DSC-H50, f/2.8, 10/4000 ISO 100 - color and sharpness adjustment

Maddy - Rexburg, ID 04/24/2010 - Sony DSC -H7 f/2.7, 10/1600, ISO 100 - lighting and color adjustments

Blue Jeans - Rexburg, ID 04/30/2010 - Sony DSC H50 f/2.8, 10/100, ISO 100

Maddy' Favorites - Rexburg, ID 04/30/2010 - Sony DSC H50 f/2.7, 10/5000, ISO 400 - sharpness adjustment

Blue is my favorite color, and I'm not alone. Before I took these pictures I asked some people about their favorite color and the majority told me it was blue. The color is often associated wih masculinity, but a lot girls like blue, and not only baby blue. Most of the world is blue (sky and ocean) but it was actually harder than I thought to find interesting blue subjects to take pictures of. My favorite is the one of the chair that I found in the backyard of a house next to Porter Park. I also like the blue flowers outside the Romney Building. They were tiny, and blue flowers aren't very common. Blue is a cold color, but my girlfriend's jacket looks a lot warmer than the other pictures. It's almost purple. It's fun trying to find the limits between blue and purple, or blue and turquoise for example. Blue is always in fashion, if nothing else at least on jeans. I asked my girlfriend if she had anything blue and she gave me her BYU-I Teddy bear and a box she painted when she was 12. Cute... Blue seems to transmit tranquility and calmness. As opposed to emotionally warm colors like red and orange, blue is linked with intellect and consciousness.


Jace said...

I really like your shots here. I've noticed with a lot of your pictures, you like to add a very dramatic classic look, and I love it. Great job, can't wait to see more!

Kristen Larson said...

You take pictures with such ease it seems like. You took great shots, you made the wind work for your girlfriend, she looks so stunning even though the weather was not the best. But for some reason the chair keeps drawing me to it, you did great!

Erica Arguello said...

It's amazing to see how you can take the simple things and make it into a great photograph. Like the jeans, I would have never even thought about taking a picture like that. I really like the chair. Even though it is old, it has a warm feeling from it. Your photography is great.

sarahels said...

I love the different hues of blue you included in your color study. The chair is my favorite. It has such great texture! The flowers look great, with good focus on the flowers and a blur around the rest. Once again good job!

levi christiansen said...

The blue chair is very well taken. the blend of the taylor chapel is very welll thought out and make. i love how you used meaningful words that fit the setting and spiritual theme.
Well done hat off you you.