Flexible Edits

Mother's day (edited) - Pallet knife smart filter

Mother's day - Rexburg, ID, 4/30/2010, mid-afternoon - Sony DSC - H50, f/8, 10/500, ISO 100

Maddy and Wallpaper (edited) - Curves Adjustment

Maddy and wallpaper - Rexburg, ID, 4/24/2010, mid-afternoon - Sony DSC - H7, f/2.7, 10/250, ISO 400

For the first picture I duplicated the image and placed a blank layer between both copies. I filled the blank layer with a yellowish color and used the texturize option to give it a canvas look. Then I added a pallet knife effect to the background copy. Next I option clicked on the mask button, which inverts the mask and makes the image disappear. To bring back the image, I painted it white with special brushes that look like actual paint brush strokes. To finish I set it to a lower opacity and added the text. All the effects are completely non-destructive, and I can change whatever I want as long as I save it as a psd document.

For the picture of Maddy I used the curves adjustment option. I changed the curves in all the color channels (red, blue and green) and added a yellow filled layer on top of it with very low opacity. I also added a vignette. Again, completely non-destructive and reversible.


Dustin Olsen! said...

I love your flexible edits. Your mother's day one is good. I like the color of the border you did. It's very fitting I think.

The one with Maddy turned out really nice. The curves adjustment layer did some great wonders for the wallpaper she was standing up against. Where did you take that picture? Did you mask anything out of it?

fuber4 said...

These are simply amazing! I love what you did around the edges on the Mothers Day edit. I did something similar with one of my edits but it did not turn out nearly as cool.

The photos you did with Maddy are very nice as well. I love how you were able to bring out the wallpaper in the edit. It definitely looks professional. Where was the photo taken?

Keep it up! They are turning out great!

Josh said...

yeah the mothers day looks awesome, i love the border you gave it. Love the wallpaper, that place has the BEST window lighting! good composition.

Justin said...

Great edits. I think i've been in that house with the awesome wallpaper. Good job matching the tone of the edits to the tone of the photos