
Edited Photoluison - Heavenly

Temple - Rexburg, ID, 5/14/2010, mid-afternoon - f/5.6, 10/2500, ISO 100, Sony DSC-H50

Clouds 1 - Rexburg, ID, 6/1/2010, mid-afternoon - f/9, 10/4000, ISO 80, Sony DSC-H20

Clouds 2 - Rexburg, ID, 6/1/2010, mid-afternoon - f/8, 10/10000, ISO 80, Sony DSC-H20

Photolusion straight - Technology - Rexburg, ID, 6/19/2010, afternoon - f/3.2, 10/80, ISO 200, Sony DSC-H7 - exposure adjustment

Photolusions are very interesting, but require some thinking to come up with a good idea and make it work. The first photolusion is a blend of 3 pictures. I used masks to hide part of the temple and the clouds to make it look like the temple is floating on the clouds. I also changed the contrast and color of the picture. The second photolusion is just one photo. I had a picture of a hand in my computer and by placing my hand behind the laptop it looks like my hand is inside of it. I took this picture of myself using a tripod and self timer.


Joshua said...

I really like the temple illusion Lucas! Just super well done. I liked the belly rub with your computer as well. Great Stuff!

Jamie Williams said...

The temple illusion is awesome! you did a great job combining the photos. It looks great!

Katrina said...

Wow! I really like your one of the temple. That must have taken a long time!I like the idea of your straight one. I almost thought it was edited!

Lishelle Simpson said...

These are great! I really really like the temple one! how did you do that?! IT looks great!